Friday, May 9, 2014

Day One

The first day of my 365 day challenge. I'm a bit limited today as I'm home with a sick kiddo, hubby is out of town and I'm pressed for time; however, this isn't that untypical of a day and I'm sure I'll face many more challenges especially when I'll be dealing with many months of winter and snow. Those challenges will be much more difficult than this cloudy spring day.

Without further ado, here are two photos that I snapped today.

I instinctively gravitated towards the blooming bush. Then thought I should take a picture of something I love, espresso beans. Doing a square crop is so far outside my comfort zone, but I really want to push myself to try new things, do different edits, expand my horizons. I'm sure some I'll hate, some I'll love. I'm open to any feedback, suggestions, advice, opinions.

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