Thursday, July 3, 2014

Lovely bugs

Just a flower...

Big Horn Mountains

These were taken during our first camping trip of the year in the Big Horns.

Spring Flowers

I am of the opinion that there can never be too many spring flower pictures, during our long winters they will remind me of what is to come.

Wyoming Sunsets

There is something spectacular and unexpected about Wyoming sunsets that just take my breath away, I've never seen anything like them in all my life and travels.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

June One

I'm not sure that daily is really realistic at this point. The last several days have been crazy hectic, I'm doing this blog for me, so I can change the rules, right? Okay then. I'll post pictures when and if I feel like it. I intend to keep posting pictures frequently, but daily isn't likely to happen.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014